How to trick yourself into having less salt

Most of us are consuming over five times the amount of salt that our body needs each day. Over years of eating pre-prepared food and food from restaurants we've become accustomed to the flavour and so it's become a habit.

It's a fairly easy food to cut down on, with minimal effort or pain. After just a few weeks you'll find you won't need or crave as much salt, which can help you naturally make healthier eating choices.

Here are our favourite cheat ways to using less salt, without losing any flavour.

1. Choose Pink Himalayan Salt.  Pink Himalayan Salt has the same size particles as Sea salt, but it contains 30% less sodium. This means if you use the same size portion as you are accustomed to, you will automatically intake less sodium. You also have the added bonus that it's full of lots of lovely minerals from the Himalayas. Win-win.

2. Get creative with your Salt grinder. Adding some of your favourite herbs or dried fruits into your grinder will ensure you still have a lovely flavour on your food without having so much salt. Try: Rosemary and Dried orange zest, or if you like it spicy - dried lime zest, chilli flakes and red pepper. Delicious.

3. Don't put the salt grinder on the table. Instead, choose slices of lemon or lime to squeeze over your food, or chopped fresh herbs to throw over: coriander, parsley or chives are all great substitutes. Smoked paprika, chillies and pepper give a tasty tang to all foods too.

Always remember to taste your food prior to adding any salt, we're so used to putting it on, many people just add it without thinking.

If you have any other great tips, please comment below.