Take me back

I attended my first Reset Button in April 2017 and have returned twice since. Everything about the retreat is wonderful. The professional team are friendly, welcoming and approachable and every time I learn so much from them. It’s helped me make simple dietary changes that have literally changed my life. Every time I return it gets me back on track

Autumn Advantage Retreat

There were daily drop in mindfulness sessions which helped me to kick start my own, very much needed practice again. As well as an informative introductory talk, there was also a mindful walk which I really enjoyed. Listening to the birds and cowbells really helped me to decompress and tune into the moment - something I struggle with on a daily basis.

Full of energy

I've been a huge coffee drinker for years. I was averaging about 6 cups a day. I couldn't manage anything until I'd had my caffiene hit and really relied on it for getting me through the day.

Being at the retreat gave me the chance to kick the habit in the best possible way - you don't feel caffeine deprived when you are sitting by a gorgeous pool soaking up the sun while everything is being done for you. The food was delicious - it certainly has inspired me to eat more healthily. Obviously it's a lot easier when you have a chef there doing it for you every meal! Would love to do it all again!

Back on track

I loved the house because it allowed you to be close to nature which is very grounding. Just taking in the wonderful view and hearing the birds tweet was relaxing. Since the retreat I have made some changes that I plan to continue, after my nutrition consultation with Claudia I have cut out diary. I’m noticing a difference with my Rosacea so I’m going to keep this up. I’m also continuing with meditation and mindfulness practice and having a good dose of this whilst away really helped. I definitely feel more mindful of my food choices too. I really enjoyed sitting on the sofas and chatting to the therapists – all sorts of topics, health and life chats, food tips etc. I feel inspired to continue with the healthy eating and exercise vibe and the retreat has definitely put me back on track. Thank you!

Getting back to basics

For me the Spring Clean Retreat at Reset Button felt like going back to your 'core' - reminding yourself of your breathing and being in the moment with the mindfulness meditation, really tasting all the food without any salt, sugars etc., getting in touch with your body with a therapeutic massage and exercise. Excellent combination! I highly recommend it to people who want a break and a change from the rat race! It Re-Set me!

Refreshed, rested and inspired.

The moment I stepped into the old Spanish masia and was greeted by the Reset Button team the craziness of London life felt a million miles away. We were treated to delicious healthy food, lots of helpful advice from Claudia the RB nutritionist, pilates and yoga classes which were tailored to suit all levels plus the calm and reflectiveness of mindfulness therapy not to mention Nunu's wonderful massage.  I came home feeling refreshed and rested and inspired to carry on with the healthy eating, mindfulness and pilates. Ten days later I am still going strong and feel amazing.  This really is what it says on the tin - a break to reset our hectic lives with a fantastic group of people who made it so easy and fun.